Worship at Beech Haven
Our Worship & Music ministry is filled with talented musicians and singers who believe that worship is all about glorifying God. We joyfully use our gifts to create and lead others in worship, acknowledging God's greatness and the love shown to us through Jesus Christ. At Beech Haven, we understand worship as a lifestyle and cherish the special moments when the church gathers to sing and respond together. Our goal is to create environments where people can easily recognize God's greatness and respond through song.

Worship Choir
There are a number of different ways that you can serve in the worship ministry. The Worship Choir is one of the easiest ways that you can get involved. The choir is made up of individuals who not only love to sing, but also have a heart to see people connect to Jesus Christ through music. The primary function of this group is to lead in worship on Sunday mornings through the singing of corporate worship. You can join anytime (no auditions required) and no singing experience is required. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30pm in the Rehearsal Suite.

Worship Band
If you play an instrument, the Worship Band may be for you. This group of musicians is comprised of adults and students who radically love Christ with all their hearts. The band is comprised of instruments ranging all over the spectrum. We are always looking for men and women who are skilled musicians and love to lead worship. An audition is required to serve in this area.

Tech & Production Team
Our incredible team of volunteers works behind the scenes every week to ensure our lights, audio, and video run flawlessly. If you have a passion for media and a willingness to learn, we would love to teach you how to operate a camera, run lyrics, and manage other essential tech functions. Come be a part of our team and help create amazing worship experiences!