Retired & Senior Adults: Living Gallery Trip
March 28, 2024 1:30 - 9:30pm
Bob Jones University, Wade Hampton Boulevard, Greenville, SC, USA
Retired & Senior Adults, join us on Thursday, March 28 for a trip to Greenville, SC to experience the Living Gallery: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled.
The church van will depart from Beech Haven at 1:30PM on March 28. The show begins at 4:30PM at Bob Jones University. We will get dinner (dutch treat), then head back to Beech Haven, arriving around 9:30PM.
Tickets cost $20. You can purchase yours using the button below, or with cash or a check. You can bring your payments to the church office during the week, or leave it in a labeled envelope in the offering box on Sunday.
Registration for this event is closed.