Fighting Anxiety with God’s Word

March 16, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm  |  Worship Center

2390 West Broad Street, Athens, GA, USA

Ladies, come as you are and discover the power of God’s Word in overcoming anxiety. Author and communicator, Scarlet Hiltibidal, will provide practical strategies to combat anxiety using the teachings of the Bible. With a supportive community and a focus on faith, we will explore how God’s Word can bring peace, hope, and strength to our lives. Don’t miss this opportunity to find comfort and encouragement in the midst of life’s challenges. Let’s fight anxiety together!

Scarlet Hiltibidal is the author of Afraid of All the Things, You’re the Worst Person in the World, He Numbered the Pores on My Face, and the Anxious and Ashamed Bible studies. She writes regularly for ParentLife Magazine, HomeLife Magazine, and She Reads Truth. Scarlet enjoys speaking to women around the country about the freedom and rest available in Jesus. She and her husband live in Tennessee, where she loves sign language with her daughters, nachos by herself, writing for her friends, and studying stand-up comedy with a passion that should be reserved for more important pursuits.