Do you want to know more about Beech Haven?
Beech Haven 101 is a 2-part orientation to our church that provides you with information about our mission, core values, ministries, and the benefits of being a member of a local church. It is also the starting point for you to connect at Beech Haven Church to groups, volunteer ministry teams, and membership.
During this course you will take a deep dive into what we believe and how we, as a local body, function. By the end of this course, you will have completed all necessary steps for membership, have an opportunity to join a small group, discover what your ministry gifts may be, and have the opportunity to join a volunteer ministry team. This course is for those that are new to Beech Haven and want to learn more, the regular attendee who is ready to join, or the member who hasn’t yet found their place in a small group or in a place to serve. Register for the next Beech Haven 101 and let our staff help you get connected.
Join us during the Sunday Small Group hour at 10:10 a.m. for our next Beech Haven 101 membership classes. Here are the upcoming dates: November 5 & November 12.
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Reserve your spot by completing the form below.