

Alongside the UGA BCM, Beech Haven currently partners with Primera Iglesia Bautista in Indiantown, FloridaVBI Volunteers, Iglesia Bautista Bethel in Tejutla, Guatemala & The Baptist Convention of Guatemala to reach the people of Tacana, Guatemala with the Gospel. This includes planting Iglesia Bautista El Refugio, a local church in the city of Tacana.

We support Pastor Alejandro Zacarias and the church in Tacana through our prayers, trips, and partnering with them to construct a church building. Trips have involved VBS in schools, distributing food bags and water filtration systems, ESL classes, recreation ministry, and medical clinics.

In March 2025, teams from Beech Haven and the UGA BCM were part of the building dedication ceremony for the church, conducted evangelism through school programs, and donated safe water purification systems to homes while presenting the gospel.